An Unpopular Support Magician Who Was Dismissed From the Magic University for Being a Salary Thief, but Thanks to His Successful Former Students, He Didn’t Have Any Problems~
An Unpopular Support Magician Who Was Dismissed From the Magic University for Being a Salary Thief, but Thanks to His Successful Former Students, He Didn’t Have Any Problems~
By 酒煮核弹头
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It is a support magic that can either enhance someone’s abilities or decrease an enemy’s abilities. It is commonly referred to as babysitting magic. Thor was a professor at Velen Magic University, teaching this unpopular support magic. One day, Thor came to the aid of a female student named Reina who was being harassed by a male student. However, the male student was from a wealthy family that had been bribing the university, and as a result, Thor was fired. With no other job prospects, Thor was given a referral letter by Reina and went to the imperial capital of the Neuschstadt Empire. He was then hired as a court magician by Princess Elena. Although Thor underestimated his abilities as a court magician, his support magic was actually the strongest in the world, and his students who learned his magic achieved great accomplishments. While perplexed by his students’ praise, Thor wanted to be impressive in front of them, so he used his strongest support magic to unconsciously perform his duties and excel.

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