The story revolves around a modern doctor who tragically succumbs to overwork, only to be reborn as Saito Yoshitatsu, a rival of Oda Nobunaga during the early stages.
Faced with the daunting prospect of early death at the age of 33 and becoming Oda Nobunaga’s archenemy, his ultimate goal is to relinquish control of the country to Oda Nobunaga. Determined to lead a leisurely and fulfilling life, he strives to overcome his fear of opposing his formidable father, Saito Dosan, also known as Mamushi*.
Please note that certain unconventional perspectives have been incorporated into the narrative to enhance the storytelling experience. We kindly ask for your understanding and hope that you thoroughly enjoy the story.
t/n: “Mamushi” is a nickname for the protagonist’s father, Saito Dosan. It is derived from the term “マムシ” in Japanese, which refers to a venomous snake known as the Japanese pit viper. The nickname was given to him due to his fierce and formidable reputation.